Friday, November 2, 2012

How Stella Got Her Groove Back

Dear Friends,
Contrary to rumors of my death..... I still am alive and knitting. I can't believe I haven't posted for literally two months.Will the hats be sent out this week....NO! Events over the last two months have taken me away from knitting. One is an eight-six pound canine named Black Jack.

Jack adopted me around the same time I started this project. Although his original owner loved and cared for him, she neglected to train him. That being said, on the September 1st trip to the vet, Black Jack managed to pull the rotator cuff in my left shoulder and gave me the equivalent of tennis elbow to my left elbow and carpal tunnel to the left wrist. He almost succeeded in wrenching my left arm off. True, I have two arms but I am left handed...this has not been fun. Two months later, Jack knows how to heel, sit, come, fetch, and stay. Not too shabby for a dog that had no manners or training when he first came to me. 

Some of you will be aware that for almost two years I've been in the process of immigrating to O' Canada. I am glad to say, I've passed all the 'tests' with flying colors and will be Landing in Canada in about a month or so. I can't wait and have been doing the last of the hoop jumping (for immigration) with great anticipation and excitement.  Life here in North County (Upstate NY)  has been so good for me. I have met wonderful people, gotten involved with the community, and found wonderful sights to photograph. Gosh I am also behind in post the new pics to my flickr account. (making a mental note) Life has gone a bit awry.

I am at the half-way mark with the hats. Which is disappointing, I know I am the world's slowest knitter, but the rate at which I have been knitting pales all Guinness world records. The arm is finally healing and the "hat" count is growing exponentially.  The shipping date has now been moved to December 1st allowing me to make up for time lost. At least, I know that Lincoln, Nebraska is not in a deep freeze, yet. Guilt, I promise, does not keep me awake. 

Best to all of you on this Day of the Dead.  More later.....s.